Monday, February 1, 2016

The Promotion

The Promotion

by Chuck

Last night’s nightmare  has roots in fears of long-ago work experiences. I used to get fired a lot. Once I got too close to the bosses wife and once I was hired in the first place to be fired because of a company’s project being behind schedule and they were looking for a turkey to blame it on. Gobble gobble, so on more than a few occasions I ended up walking down the road mumbling to myself.  Rarely did I ever get fired for cause. Ok once. After showing up late for work one day on a job I hated anyway, the boss yelled across the room at me, within hearing distance of everyone on the crew: ‘What time is it Michael?’ Not really believing he would be dumb enough to open himself up like that my response of:  ‘ You are wearing a wristwatch, Didn’t they cover telling time on the GED?’ Got me mercifully,  fired for insubordination. Hooray. On my next job interview that company showed up as ‘ fired for cause’. Ok. I eliminated that job on my resume and filled in the blank with some other lame job that couldn’t be verified. Never having been career oriented, leaving over 50 jobs for one reason or another never hampered either my conscience or pocketbook. One day I even quit to go surfing for the afternoon. Eventually I did run in to a career that I did care about, but the employers in that business are noted for bending, stretching and breaking rules for profit sake. The trouble is that they aren’t the ones that will be taking the heat. It’s the pilot’s license at stake, not their backsides for lack of a paper trail of verbal directions. ‘Hey, go out there, fly this way and do this and that.’ If you kill yourself or lose your license, they hire up another pilot. If you wreck their airplane and kill yourself they buy another plane with the insurance money and their new pilot flies that plane straight over your smoking carcass. So I got fired from a few and quit a few more but walked away with a clear conscience, flying license intact, but more importantly: vertical.


Conscience clear, vertical and smugly so, but it has to wear on a person, a history such as mine. The thought materializes occasionally: Who's trying to get rid of me? Who has a brother-in-law that wants my job? Is the boss going to turn out to be a jerk?  Always on any new job I like to start off playing the game: Where is HE? Or Where’s the jerk? (read 'Surrounded by Jerks' )Terminology changed slightly to protect the family readers here.  Where is the jerk? Because he is always there, boss or not, who is mired in jerk-ability.  Some tortured soul, unhappy at home or with life and eager to share his misery with anyone within range. It never mattered that much till I got my current gig, going on almost 8 years; longer than any previous job. Still, there is always that murky thought: Who and how are they going to get rid of you? In the back of my mind the thought that some boss or super is trying to get rid of me; lots of people out of work. The sinecure I’ve fallen into here presents a ready target for some managers’ unemployed son, brother-in-law, friend, wife, whoever. Indeed, always alert for any devious maneuvers, there have been initial gambits, exploratory management missions so to speak. I am however, unlike any of my prior employments, protected by a number of company policy circuit breakers. My ‘where’s the jerk’ game has revealed a number of them in this job, but any attempt on their part, short of my giving them what I would give them if we were logging together in the woods instead of this sterilized milquetoast corporate environment, is simply referred to a higher level. Now they can be a jerk to my supervisor, who, by the way, is a jerk. That tactic is sanctioned by company policy. It’s in the employee handbook! Whoaa!! The thought is still there though, meandering around in the recesses of my subconscious. “Who wants my job?” So here’s last nights nightmare.  

The Pointy Haired Boss, my department head, who, I have always suspected has a number of unemployed friends, in his typical , minimalist manner sent me an email. “my office, now” “What’s up Boss?” Optimistically leaving the door open as I walked in.  His secretary shows up with coffee as he is opening his mouth. She hands me a cup and congratulates me on my promotion. ‘What? Promotion?

‘That’s right’ Pointy Haired Boss chirps with a rare smile on his face. “Congratulations, You’ve been promoted.” I’m flabbergasted.  “ I’m not sure I want to be promoted”, I reply. “Well, he says, The next step up from your helpdesk job is bus mechanic.  Hey! It’s half the pay but twice the prestige. You should be happy. You are to report to the School bus depot tomorrow morning. “No. I don’t accept the promotion.  I said. I like it where I’m at sitting on my butt, clicking a mouse. No promotion.” “Sorry, but it is against policy not to accept a promotion.”, Pointy Haired Boss smiles back. “See. Here it is in the employee handbook.” “That’s written in cursive.” I say. “Someone just wrote that in.” “That’s my signature so it makes it official”, PHB  retorts.  “No”, I respond. “I don’t know the first thing about working on school busses.” “Hey”, PHB says. “You will be in a true learning situation starting at ground zero.” PHB reaches for the phone. “ Our busses are high tech. The head grease monkey down there is expecting you at 7. I’m gonna tell him how glad you are to be working on school busses. With your technical background, you will be a tremendous asset.” PHB can hardly contain his happiness for me. He is beside himself with glee.

At that point, I woke up in a sweat, terrified, looking into the semi-darkness, dawning that it was a dream. Still, I’m wary of any ominous emails offering unique opportunities from management.